
  • Fall prevention training in community-dwelling older adults
  • Vestibular rehab (VR)—including the treatment of dizziness and vertigo, balance and unsteady gait
  • Aging vestibular systems
  • Neurological impairments that effect the vestibular system (stroke, concussion, Parkinson’s)


If for any reason you do not feel comfortable or are high risk to enter the clinic, Mauka Movement offers Telehealth on our online patient portal for both new and existing patients. This is covered by most insurance. You will need a phone or computer with a camera and access to the internet.  Physical therapy may include evaluations & treatments observing your mobility, your functional movement & walking, & working on development of a progressive exercise program you can do in your home.
Call us for more information at (808) 339-7788

Aging of the musculoskeletal and neurologic systems

As we age, our bodily systems age right along with us. If we do nothing, our bodies will lose flexibility in joints, feel decreases in overall strength, and our brains and central nervous system may slow in thinking, coordination, and balance. This can negatively affect mobility and ability to smoothly engage in daily routines. Increasing activity levels and continuing to stay active through the aging process is the key to maintaining—or improving—mobility. The secret truly is to keep moving.

Vestibular rehab, including BPPV, post-concussion, vestibular hypofunction

There are numerous reasons that people experience dizziness and vertigo. The vestibular system is designed to signal to the brain where your head is in space, and therefore, where you are in space. When it is not functioning properly, people often experience symptoms of dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness, motion sickness, and unsteadiness on their feet. Mauka Movement specializes in vestibular rehab, which can help alleviate these symptoms.
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One of the most common reasons for vertigo is a change in inner ear function, which brings on vertigo in specific head positions. If you experience spinning when you roll over in bed, when you lean back at the dentist’s office, or when you are getting your hair washed at the salon, this is a treatable form of vertigo. Mauka Movement’s physical therapists are certified in treating this type of vertigo.
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Sometimes people develop a weakened vestibular system, where there aren’t any specific incidents but they just feel foggy, lightheaded, or unsteady with their balance. This can be treated and improved with physical therapy.

Fall prevention

Each year, approximately thirty percent of adults aged 65 years or older fall, which can lead to musculoskeletal injury, head injury, and fearfulness regarding movement and mobility. Unfortunately, twenty percent of those falls result in serious injury that required emergency room visits. These impairments can lead to secondary ailments like pneumonias that create even more problems with mobility and deconditioning. Evidence suggests that falls can be prevented by physical therapy screening to detect risk factors. A tailored exercise and balance program can be developed for long term success in decreasing fall risk and improving quality of life.

Gait analysis

Physical therapists are the movement experts of the medical world. If you are having problems with walking, are unsteady on your feet, or less confident with walking on outdoor surfaces, a physical therapist can help. A PT at Mauka Movement will analyze your walking, your flexibility, and your strength to determine how best to retrain and optimize your movement patterns.

Balance training

Physical balance works through a combination of vision and vestibular and somatosensory systems, which communicate with our brain to keep us upright, alert, and reactive to the world around us. All three of these systems need to be trained. Just like a muscle, if they are not used, they can weaken, causing diminished balance. Mauka Movement’s physical therapists are experts in training all three of these systems to improve your balance and decrease your risk for falls.
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Spinal stabilization

Studies say that over eighty percent of the population will experience low back and/or neck pain at some time in their lives. Low back pain or neck pain may be coming from muscle imbalance; in other words, some muscle groups are working too hard, while deeper, stabilizing muscles are not working hard enough to keep you upright, strong, and flexible in your daily life. The physical therapists at Mauka Movement will evaluate your spine and postural alignment to determine how best to improve muscle balance, maintain strength and flexibility, and decrease pain—allowing you to engage in the activities you enjoy. Based on her evaluation, your PT will develop a tailored program to work with you toward your mobility goals.

Chronic pain management

Pain is produced by the brain. Sometimes it’s caused by tissue damage from an acute injury; sometimes people experience persistent pain, even after tissues have had time to heal. This kind of pain is complex, and chronic pain changes your nervous system, making it overly sensitive. This affects other areas of life and can lead to stress and depression. Understanding the source of physical pain can actually help treat it. Chronic pain management includes working with one’s physician and physical therapist, using education about the body’s neurophysiology and how pain effects it, and then learning how to move to help decrease and control symptoms. Indeed, the brain can be retrained to decrease pain and improve overall quality of life.
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Deconditioning related to aging or impairment

“If you don’t use it, you lose it” is a very true statement, especially as people age. With each decade, humans lose muscle mass and flexibility if they do not stay active.  Sometimes after an illness like pneumonia or flu, or a hospitalization or a fall, an older adult can experience deconditioning, leading them to become weak and unsteady. The physical therapists at Mauka Movement can help promote the movement necessary to restore baseline mobility after illness.

Neurological impairments

Physical therapy is an excellent way to treat movement disorders that stem from neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and concussions. Some of these conditions are progressive; however, with physical therapy, a patient is empowered to slow the progression of disease, decrease neurological symptoms, and remain at—or even exceed—mobility levels as they age.

PT annual evaluation

You typically see your primary care provider at least once a year for a check up; you typically see your dentist at least twice a year for a check up. Why not schedule with the mobility experts of the medical world for a check up? The physical therapists at Mauka Movement are specifically trained to assess your musculoskeletal and nervous systems, which comprises your muscles, bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints and other connective tissues. Consult with us to determine that these essential internal structures are working properly and are helping to support, stabilize, and effectively move your body. At a yearly physical therapy checkup, your PT will gather your medical history and observe as you participate in screening tests and other assessments to establish a baseline of your physical abilities, fitness level, and personal health. Physical therapists are educated on how your musculoskeletal and nervous systems function properly and are trained to identify dysfunctions before they grow into bigger problems.