Patients and Providers

Forms for New Patients

New Patient Information, What to Wear, What to Bring

Your first PT session will discuss your medical history and current PT concerns. You are welcome to fill out your evaluation form before you arrive, or do so in clinic when you arrive. Please arrive 15 minutes early if you chose the latter. Wear something comfortable that allows you to move. For lower body, wearing shorts is helpful.  For upper body and neck, it is helpful if women can wear tank tops or sports bras.

Policy on Paying Co-Pays

It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with your health insurance plan and learn what your benefits include in your specific plan. Some insurance plans require you to pay a portion of your PT service with a copay. Copays will be due at the time of service, and can be collected in cash, by check, or by debit/credit card. Deductibles and coinsurances that are not covered by your insurance will be billed to you. If you have a high deductible plan and would like to pay at the time of service, we are happy to provide an estimate of costs.

Insurances We Accept

  • Medicare
  • HMSA PPO, HMO, Akamai, Quest
  • TriWest/VA
  • Aetna
  • Cigna
  • UHA
  • BCBS
  • Worker’s Compensation

Policy on Out-of-Network

If Mauka Movement is not in-network with your specific insurance carrier, a discount of 25% will be given if you would like to pay cash on the day of services.

Direct Access — What is it?

Direct Access is the ability for an individual to seek out physical therapy services without a physician’s prescription. This saves time and money by eliminating a potentially unnecessary doctor’s visit and can get you started in PT if you have an acute injury that would benefit from immediate care. However, many insurance companies require a referral from a physician or PCP to cover physical therapy services. We encourage you to contact your insurance company to determine requirements.

Cancellation Policy

As a courtesy to the clinic and other patients that may be on a waitlist, we appreciate a 24 hour notice if you need to cancel your appointment. A no-show appointment will be charged $50.00 directly to you, the patient.